Conditions of Use

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Slonny e-shop Terms and Conditions

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Conditions of Use regulate the legal relationships between OÜ Miss Valentine, registry code 11901551, registered office Metsasarve tee 2/2-3, Lohkva küla, Luunja vald, Tartumaa, 62207, Estonia (hereinafter the Company) and the person making a purchase (hereinafter the Customer) that are created in the course of the purchase and sale of products and accessories under the SLONNY trademark in the sales environment (hereinafter the Online Store).

1.2. In addition to these Conditions of Use, the legal relationships that are created upon the marketing of products via the Online Store are regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Estonia.

1.3. The Company shall be entitled to amend the Conditions of Use of the Online Store and the prices of products and services by providing notice of any amendments in the Online Store environment. The terms and conditions and prices that are valid as of the conclusion of a transaction shall apply to the transaction.

1.4. By registering with the Online Store or making a purchase, the Customer approves the Conditions of Use of the Online Store and undertakes to comply with them.

1.5. The sales contract between the Company and the Customer shall enter into force as of the receipt of the payable purchase price in the bank account of the Company.

1.6. The Company shall be entitled to refuse to execute an order if the price of a product displayed in the Online Store was inaccurate due to a technical error. In this case, the sum paid by the Customer shall be refunded.

2. Price of product

2.1. The prices of products (including discounts) are visible on the products page next to the product. All prices include value added tax (20%) applicable in the Republic of Estonia.

2.2. The delivery fee corresponding to the delivery method chosen by the Customer shall be added to the price of the product in the course of drawing up the order. The delivery method shall be chosen and the delivery fee shall be calculated in the shopping basket of the Online Store.

3. Drawing up an order

3.1. The Customer shall add a product to the shopping basket after choosing its colour, size and amount on the product page by clicking the button “add to cart”. Basket is visible at the top menu bar. Quantities can be changed in the shopping basket and products can be removed from the shopping basket until the products have been paid for. In order to draw up an order, the Customer has to click on “proceed to checkout” button, enter the required data in the shopping basket, choose the shipping and payment method and click the button “complete my purchase”. An order shall be considered to have been ultimately drawn up after the Customer has clicked the “complete my purchase” button.

3.2. The Company shall send a notice concerning the order confirmation to the e-mail address of the Customer.

3.3. If a product ordered by the Customer is not in stock, the Company shall cancel the order, notify the Customer thereof and offer them a replacement product or refund the purchase price in full within 14 (fourteen) days at the latest.

3.4. The product photographs in the Online Store, including product colour options (colour boxes) are illustrative in meaning and may unintentionally slightly differ from the actual colour and appearance of the product.

4.Payment for products

4.1. The Customer shall make an advance payment in full for any purchases made in the Online Store.

4.2. It is possible to pay for the orders by credit card (Visa or MasterCard), via Estonian bank links (Swedbank, SEB, Nordea, Danske, Krediidipank and LHV Pank) and Maestro card. In Finland also via Alandsbanken, Danske Bank, Handelsbanken, Nordea, Pohjola, Säästopankki and S-Pankki bank links.

4.3. Payment shall take place outside the Online Store in the secure environment of the respective bank or service provider. The Company shall have no access to the bank details and credit card data of the Customer.

4.4. After the submission of the order and paying for the goods, the Customer shall receive an order confirmation via e-mail.

4.5. When drawing up the order, the Customer shall enter the correct data that are required for the execution thereof. The Company shall not be liable for the impossibility of execution due to incorrect data and any consequences that may respectively arise.

5.Delivery of goods

5.1. The Online Store delivers products to following countries: Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Israel, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Great Britain, United States and Switzerland. 

The Customer is able to choose between various delivery methods. The delivery period of a product depends on the delivery method chosen by the Customer as well the country of destination. Goods are generally delivered within 3-30 days as of the entry into force of the contract.

5.2. Any possible customs duties and expenses that may arise from customs formalities in the country of destination shall be paid by the Customer or arranged by the Customer at their own expense.

5.2. Products are delivered as follows:

5.2.1. In Estonia –   to a post office by means of the Maksikiri Ärikiri service provided by Omniva (AS Eesti Post), to a parcel terminal via Omniva, or to a parcel terminal via Itella SmartPOST.

5.2.2. If the Customer chooses post office as the delivery method, the product shall be delivered to the post office chosen by the Customer within 14 (fourteen) working days as of the sending of the order confirmation to the e-mail address of the Customer. The Customer shall be notified by text message of the receipt of the product at the post office. The message shall contain information concerning the post office from which the Customer is able to retrieve the product. The product shall be stored at the post office for 14 (fourteen) calendar days.

5.2.3. If the Customer chooses Omniva parcel terminal as the delivery method, the product shall be delivered to the parcel terminal chosen by the Customer within 14 (fourteen) working days as of the sending of the order confirmation to the e-mail address of the Customer.The Customer shall be notified by text message of the receipt of the product in the parcel terminal. The message shall contain information concerning the door code, the location of the parcel terminal, the return code and the storage period. The terminals are open and available 24 hours a day. The product shall be stored in the parcel terminal for 7 (seven) calendar days.  

5.2.4. If the Customer chooses SmartPOST parcel terminal as the delivery method, the product shall be delivered to the parcel terminal chosen by the Customer within 14 (fourteen) working days as of the sending of the order confirmation to the e-mail address of the Customer. The Customer shall be notified by text message of the receipt of the product in the parcel terminal. The message shall contain information concerning the door code, the location of the parcel terminal, the return code and the storage period. The terminals are open and available 24 hours a day. The product shall be stored in the parcel terminal for 7 (seven) calendar days. 

5.2.5. Other countries – Omniva international Maksi Letter standard parcel service, the product shall be delivered to the post office within 2 to 4 weeks. It is also possible to have goods delivered to the Republic of Finland by means of Itella parcel terminal services, the product will be delivered within 14 (fourteen) working days and stored in the parcel terminal for 7 (seven) calendar days.

6.  Right of withdrawal and return and replacement of products

6.1. The Customer shall be entitled to withdraw from the transaction within 14 (fourteen) calendar days without specifying the reason therefor. The 14-day period shall be calculated as of the receipt of the message indicating the receipt of the product in a parcel terminal or post office by the Customer.

6.2. Products that are subject to return or replacement may not be stained, damaged or bear marks of wear or usage. The product must be properly packaged in original packaging and have all the original labels attached. Failure to comply with one or more of the aforesaid conditions shall grant the Company the right to refuse the return or replacement.

6.3. Methods of return:

6.3.1. If the Customer chose post office as the delivery method, the product can be returned or replaced by taking it to any post office of their preference. The bar code on the original packaging of the product is required in order to return or replace the product. 

6.3.2. If the Customer chose Omniva parcel terminal as the delivery method, the product can be returned or replaced via an Omniva parcel terminal by using the return code contained in the initial text message. 

6.3.3. If the Customer chose SmartPOST parcel terminal as the delivery method, the product can be returned or replaced via a SmartPOST parcel terminal by using the return code contained in the initial text message.  

6.4. Upon withdrawal from a transaction, the Company shall refund the Customer the paid amount minus postal charges and transfer the refundable amount to the bank account of the Customer within 14 (fourteen) days at the latest as of the receipt of the product by the Company or the receipt of a certificate by the Customer concerning the return of the product. The Company shall be entitled to delay the refund of the paid amounts until the Customer has returned the product or submitted a certificate concerning the handing over of the product to a post office for returning the product. Upon the exercise of the right of withdrawal, the Customer shall bear any direct expenses in relation to the return of the product.

6.5. For hygienic purposes, the right of withdrawal shall not apply to lingerie products and sunbathing clothes that have been removed from their original package.

6.6. In the case of replacement of products, the Online Store shall send the Customer a new product immediately after the receipt of the product subject to replacement. A product can only be replaced for a different size of the same product and colour.

6.7. If a product returned to the Company cannot be replaced due to the fact that the size requested by the Customer is not in stock, the Company shall contact the Customer and offer them a replacement product or refund the purchasing price to the Customer.

6.8. Upon the replacement or return of the product, the Customer must fill in the replacement and return form received with the product and send it together with the product subject to replacement or return to the Online Store at the following address:

Miss Valentine OÜ, Ihaste tee 7, 51011 Tartu, Estonia

Replacement or return shall only be accepted if the Customer provides the original invoice and a correctly filled-in replacement and return form.

6.9. Upon the replacement or return of a product, the Customer shall bear any and all expenses in relation to the return of the product unless the product subject to return was not the product which the Customer had ordered.

7.Procedure for submission of complaints

7.1. The Company shall be liable for the non-conformity of a product to requirements and any deficiencies therein for a period of 2 (two) years as of the receipt of the product by the Customer.

7.2. Upon the discovery of the non-conformity of a product to requirements or any deficiencies therein, the Customer shall inform the Company thereof immediately, but no later than within 2 (two) months as of becoming aware of the non-conformity by sending the respective information via e-mail to

7.3. In the case of a product that does not conform to the requirements of the contract or in the case of a defective product, the Customer shall be entitled to demand that the Company perform their obligation, withdraw from or terminate the contract and demand compensation for the damage caused, demand the reduction of the price, or demand the payment of interest on arrears upon any delay in the performance of a financial obligation.

7.4. In the case of the non-conformity of a product to requirements or deficiencies, the Customer shall firstly be entitled to demand that the product be repaired free of charge or replaced with a product that conforms to requirements and has no deficiencies, or return the product at the expense of the Company. The Customer shall be entitled to demand that the purchase price of the product be reduced or the contract be terminated and the sums paid for the product be refunded in the following instances:

7.4.1. the Company is unable to repair or replace the product

7.4.2. repairing or replacing the product fails

7.4.3. the Company has not eliminated a deficiency in the product within a reasonable period of time

7.4.4. the Customer has experienced unreasonable inconveniences.

7.5. Upon the return of a product that does not conform to requirements, the Customer shall be compensated the sum paid for the product along with expenses on transport to the bank account specified by the Customer within 14 (fourteen) days at the latest. The Company shall be entitled to delay the refund of the paid amounts until the Customer has returned the product or submitted a certificate concerning the handing over of the product to a post office for returning the product.

7.6. The Company shall not compensate the expenses made by the Customer in case of non-conformity of the product to requirements or any deficiencies therein and assume liability therefor if:

7.6.1. the value of the product has declined or the product has become damaged due to the fault of the Customer;

7.6.2. the deficiencies have been caused by the failure to use the product for its intended purposes, including failure to comply with the maintenance instructions;

7.6.3. the value of the product has declined due to natural wear and tear experienced in the course of regular usage;

7.6.4. the Customer is unable to provide a document that certifies the purchase.

7.7. Should the Customer and the Company have any disputes with regard to the deficiencies of a product, the Customer shall be entitled to address the Company with a complaint by specifying their name and contact details, date of submission of complaint, the deficiency in the product and their proposed solution in written format or a format that can be reproduced in writing (e-mail). The Company shall respond to the Customer’s complaint in writing or in a format that can be reproduced in writing (e-mail) within 15 (fifteen) days.

7.8. Should the Customer and the Company fail to reach an agreement in the dispute and the value of the product serving as the object of the dispute is at least 20 euros, the Customer shall be entitled to address the Consumer Complaints Committee operating at the Consumer Protection Board for the extrajudicial resolution of the dispute. Hearing a complaint in the Consumer Complaints Committee is free of charge for the parties involved. The legislation of the Republic of Estonia shall be proceeded from upon the resolution of disputes.

7.9. Should the parties not agree with the decision of the Committee, the parties shall be entitled to have recourse to the county court of the jurisdiction of the Company.

8. Privacy

8.1. The data stored in the Online Store environment concerning the Customer and their orders is considered to constitute confidential information. The Company shall not disclose the information it has become aware of to any third parties. The Company may use the personal data of the Customer for sending information to the Customer via e-mail with regard to special offers and campaigns only if the Customer has granted their approval to this effect in the Online Store.

8.2. The Company shall have no access to the confidential bank and payment card details of the Customer.

8.3. The personal data submitted by the Customer to the Company when making a purchase are protected and processed pursuant to the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act. Personal data are collected and processed for the following purposes: conducting purchase analyses and summaries, making offers to Customers, and organising Customer satisfaction surveys.

8.4. The Customer’s personal data are processed by OÜ Miss Valentine (registry code 11901551), registered office Metsasarve tee 2/2-3, Lohkva küla, Luunja vald, Tartumaa, 62207, Estonia.

8.5. Personal data that are required in order to send products to the Customer shall be communicated to the company providing postal services.

9.Resolution of disputes

9.1. Any disputes shall be resolved first and foremost by way of negotiations between the Customer and the Company. Failing agreement, the Customer shall be entitled to have recourse to Tartu County Court, the Consumer Protection Board or the Consumer Complaints Committee.

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